Diseases of cardiovascular system (high blood pressure)


  • Diseases of cardiovascular system are the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for 34.2 percent of all death in 2006.

Diseases of cardiovascular system ( high blood pressure)

       These diseases include;
  • Coronary heart diseases
  • Cerebrovascular diseases
  • Congenital heart diseases
  • Peripheral vascular disease
     Hypertension referred to a chronic elevation in BP;

Hypertension referred to a chronic elevation in BP

It is frequently referred  to as the" silent killer' because there are typically no symptoms. 

     Hypertension can cause;
  • Heart failure,
  • Kidney failure,
  • Myocardial fraction,
  • Stroke
  • Vision problems


       There are two type of hypertension.

  • Primary or essential hypertension is idiopathic, which means there is no known cause and accounts for about 90% of cases.
  • Secondary hypertension occurs as a result of an other primary problems such as renal diseases, other cardiovascular diseases, endocrine disorders or Neurogenic disorders.
 Nutritional therapy for hypertension;

  • Nutritional treatment of hypertension includes both lifestyle modification and nutrition therapy.
  • Increased physical activity,  cessation and weight loss, as well as reduction of sodium and alcohol intake are primary strategies.
  • Dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH)
  • Increasing calcium potassium and fiber.

   Nutrition assessment;

  • Weight reduction( goal BMI of 18.5- 24.9)
  • Assess dietary intake for alcohol, sodium potassium calcium and fiber.
  • Physical activity

   Nutrition diagnosis;

 Common nutrition diagnosis for individual with hypertension include;
  • -Excessive energy intake.
  • -excessive in appropriate intake of fats.
  • -excessive sodium intake.
  • -inadequate calcium, fiber, potassium and magnesium intake.
  • -overweight /obesity.
  • -food and nutrition related knowledge decide.
  • -physical inactivity.


  • Vasopressin and angiotensin ii, cause vasoconstriction and fluid retention. Both will increase BP.
  • Often hypertensive individual have excessive secretion of vasopressin from the hypothalamus.
  • Hypertensive individual may also have variation in the gene that produces angiotensinogen.
  • And increased production of angiotensinogen may increase production of angiotensin to increase BP.

Diseases of cardiovascular system (high blood pressure)


  • Smoking is known to be a risk factor for the development of hypertension.
  • Smoking causes acute and chronic elevations in blood pressure.
  • Cigarette smoking interferes with the action of nitrous impairing endothelial relaxation and vasodilation.

    Renal diseases;

  •  In renal diseases, blood flow is reduced through the kidney because of either atherosclerosis with in the lumen of renal artery for comprssion of a vessel by a tumor.
  • Other factors include gene mutation and renal endothelial cell dysfunction.
  • In order to improve blood flow, angiotensin ii  is released. This cause vasoconstriction and promotes sodium, chloride and water retention, which increase blood volume.
  • The increase in blood volume and vasoconstriction both act in increased arterial pressure.
  • In addition endothelial cell by dysfunction may cause a decrease in mediators such as nitric oxide and prostacyclin that cause vasodilation.

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